Saturday, December 1, 2012

Sweet blessings!

So, my dad got on to me about my blog and how I have been slacking. I guess it is time for another post! We usually stay busy but it seems this time of year we are especially busy. I am going to try and blog at least once a week but no promises =)

 I am 19 weeks today! Almost half way! We are beyond excited, because we will find out the sex on Monday. Of course they will also take measurements and verify that everything is developing correctly. This part makes me nervous but I know God is in control.

Here's a little something for you moms:
Maggie is in the process of cutting a few more teeth and has had a difficult time getting comfortable at night. The other night she woke up around 2:00 and you could tell she was just in pain. I let her come in bed with us so I could comfort her. While she was laying next to me I was rubbing her back and the new baby just started moving up a storm. I laid there with one hand on Maggie and the other on my stomach feeling the moves of our new blessing. Although it was 2:00 in the morning and I had to be up at 5:15 to get ready for work, all I could do was cherish the moment and praise God for blessing me with these two sweet children.

I told Josh about this the next morning and he said he would be sure to remind me of this story in May when we are up with two crying kids and haven't slept in three days. LOL!

In other news, we finished decorating for Christmas today. To my surprise, Maggie has done really well with the tree. We put her ornaments on the bottom and she likes to take them off put there is no harm done! Her favorite ornaments are the the round ones. She thinks the are balls.

Here is a video too! I am not sure why it turned when I uploaded it.
I also have no idea how to fix it. Sorry!